Saturday, May 23, 2009

Forward II

Here's the problem: Clemsy was born somewhere in a 19th century American Midwest. I say 'a' 19th century because it's an alternate history. Not only that, but it's an alternate history where people are often born with bits of magic. They have 'tendencies' in certain areas. Maybe one can find things, another 'feel' a person's health with a touch, another able to find water or make fire (dangerous!), etc. Magic is in the air, you might say, part of the way the world works. So not only is Clemsy's home in an alternate history, it's a few dimensions over to the side.

You see my problem. I have to get him from there to an alternate present not quite here.

Okay, okay, I don't really have to especially since I seem, for the moment anyway, to have chosen the third person omnipotent.

At least, being omnipotent, I don't really have to make a whole lot of sense, so psychotic is just fine and worry free. (I mean, if the Old Testament is any model. It's what omnipotent really means, right? Being random just for jollies?) Of course, a sneering criticism of 'contrived' or "What the hell?" is always a risk but... what the hell? It's not like you bought this at Borders.

I feel fairly safe in the knowledge that all authors really do make it up as they go along, then go back and diddle with stuff.

I'm going to do all of that except for the going back and diddling part.


  1. Sounds like the preface for a novel

  2. Hey, Dude! All rights reserved! We're talking serious © here.

    Or is it ®?
