Friday, May 22, 2009

Forward I

Difficult to decide right now which person to write this in. The first person (What did you think I meant?) may be somewhat weird as I've posted under the name Clemsy since the virtual community he was created for petered out a decade ago. Couldn't let the lad go. But that Internet presence known as Clemsy isn't the real Clemsy. He's an impostor!

(Whoops. I switched people at the end there. Did you catch that?)

Anyway, he is an impostor. The real Clemsy is nothing like that guy.

You want to psychoanalyze that last bit, be my guest. But you won't be able to figure me out (Damn! Did it again!) until you get to know the real Clemsy to the point where you become the real Clemsy.

Then, no explanations will be necessary.

Anyway, writing in the first person will just feel narcissistic even if that's not technically true. On the other hand, writing in the third person will feel a bit psychotic. The second person of course would be just plain stupid.

Narcissistic, Psychotic or Stupid.

So I haven't decided yet.

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